Keep calm
Nowadyas an extremely serious problem of humans is a chronical stress, i.e. physchic and information impact. Long exposure to permanent nervous tension may often result in manifestation in disorder classified as neurasthenia. In this case we are speaking about functional disorder of nervous system. The humans turn easily excited and irritable. Thus the following occurs: workability drop, sleep disorder, and even a long-period relax is not sometimes sufficient to rstore all the functions. It’s obvious that the choice is…
In this case we are speaking about complex approach. It means adjusting operation and rest schedule, and adequate diet. It’s worth refusing extra concenrns, stopping to set impossible problems before yourself. Further, in complex therapy of non-severe functional disorder of nervous system Relaxedin is recommended.
Relaxedin is a combination tranquilizer. It contains standardized extracts of traditional and known extracts of Valerian and Melissa. This combination in Relaxedin improves falling asleep and sleep itself. Further, the dose of valerian extract in Relaxedin meets the requirements of European Medicine Agency. And standardization of Relaxedin on Valerianic acid (NLT 0.5-0.8%) meets the requirements of RU Regular.
Relaxedin is manufactured by Minskintercaps, Republic of Belaarus, from the raw material of France origin. Under high nervous irritability Relaxedin is administered as 2 capsules 2 times a day. Inc ase of sleep disorder 1 capsules 30 minutes before sleep. Remember that Relaxedin action manifests gradually, max.effect is achieved if the course is at least 14 days. The high quality of Relaxedin of Minskintercaps is proved by National GMP Certificate (Good manufacturing Practice).
Relaxedin is important to keep you calm.
Products by topic: Chondrosamine