The Unitary Enterprise “Minskintercaps” launched the sale of a new drug “Simet”, capsules 40 mg № 25 and 80 mg № 15 in August 2018.
One capsule “Simet” contains 40 mg and 80 mg of simethicone.
Simet destroys gas bubbles in a physical way changing their surface-tension, thereby forcing them to break up.
Simet is used for symptomatic treatment of excessive gas or high gas concentration. The released gas is removed later in a natural way.
Indication for usage:
• for symptomatic treatment of gastrointestinal disorders caused by excessive gas, abdominal distention, high gas concentration, feeling of satiety;
• for preparation for diagnostic examination of the abdominal cavity (x-ray, ultrasound).
The raw for Simet production is bought from Germany and India.
Simet is available without a doctor’s prescription.