CPhI Japan is the most large-scale forum for healthcare in Japan with the participation of over 55 countries this year. Minskintercaps was a member of delegation representing Control Company of Holding Belpharmprom.
APRIL 18-20:
Tokyo offered for businessmen of Japan the possibility to familiarize with export-oriented products of the Company Minskintercaps and to participate to workshops dedicated to presentation organized by our representatives within CPhI Japan-2018. In the opinion of ours it’s worth mentioning a particular interest of potential partners of the Land of the Rising Sun they demonstrated towards Minskintercaps drugs of plant origin, in particular Bilberry-MIC and Bilberry with Lutein.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus to Japan followed a solemn ceremony of opening joint booth of Belarusian pharmaceutics, and our bench was of great interest among the visitors though all the exhibition period.
Our delegates visited Osaka and office of partner Company Chukan Butsu. Negotiating, the parties pronounced solidly that Holding Belpharmprom will be a guarantor of co-operation with Japanese companies and will undertake the mission of business management and distribution of inquiries among the participants of Holding subject to enterprise specialization.
Summarizing the participation to CPhI Japan-2018 our team marked that the development of partnership with Japan is positive not only for export increase but also consolidation of economical relations between the parties.