Minskintercaps U.V. and Tatchempharmpreparaty OJSC, Russia, launch the production of a new drug Mebicar in tablets. One tablet contains Mebicar-tetramethyltertraasadicyclooctandion (Mebicar) 300 mg.
Mebicar influences on the activity of brain structures in limbic and reticular system, in particular, emotiogenic area of hypothalamus, and main neuromediator systems but has no peripheral adrenonegative activity.
Mebicar eliminates or relaxes agitation, anxiety, fear, inner emotional tension and irritability. Sedative effect of the drug is not accompanied by miorelaxation or movement disorder. The drug does not decrease mental and motor activity thus Mebicar can be indicated during a working day or studies. It does not create elevated spirits, euphoria; it is not stupefacient but enhances the effect and improves sleep disorder.
Mebicar is indicated for somatoform disorder of vegetative nervous system and other neurotic disorders.
The drug is administered perorally irrespective of meal, for adults 1 or 2 tablets 2 or 3 times a day.