17/07/2024: In the solemn ceremony the summation of the results of prestige Republican concourse “The Best Exporter of 2023”.
Minskintercaps is the winner in the nomination “Manufacture of Products for treatment and rehabilitation”.
In 2023 we exported our medicines and biologically active food supplements to 12 countries. Export share in total output was 49.9%.
Concourse winners were selected in 17 nominations. Summarizing up the results, consideration was focused not only on the volume but on other parameters like export dynamics, its geography, export revenue per employee, and so on.
Republican concourse “The Best exporter of 2023” is open, based on objective data of concourse organized for the purpose of the Republic of Belarus image promotion as an active exporter of products, works and services, property rights for the objects of Intellectual Property, development of export-directed production, reward of Belarusian companies achieved significant export increase.
The participants of the concourse are companies registered in the Republic of Belarus, involved in business activities, and exporting Goods manufactured in our country for over two years preceding the reported period. Concourse organizer in 2024 is Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
This year representatives of Belarusian Diplomatic corps participated in the award ceremony.