FLUCAPS prevents the release of produced viral particles from infected cells and further spread of influenza virus. FLUCAPS composition: Oseltamivir 30 mg or 45 mg or 75 mg, an effective inhibitor of virus neuraminidase, glycoprotein enzymes located on the surface of virion. Oseltamivir, because of its high clinical effect, availability and slow development of virus resistance is the most demanded drug for treatment and prevention of influenza.
The clinical course of the disease in children and adults is proved shorter; the incidence of lethal outcomes at early and even later stages of the disease is reduced; effective and safe use in pregnancy and in immunosuppressive patients, for primary pneumonia caused by influenza.
Teratogenic effect in pregnancy was not reported based on a long experience. Flucaps is well tolerated and is approved for use in pregnancy.
FLUCAPS, capsules 75 mg, is administered to adults and children after 13 for influenza and as a preventive measure after contacts with clinically diagnosed influenza patients in the conditions of massive spread of the disease among the population.
FLUCAPS, capsules 75 mg, for influenza:
the first 36-48 hours after the manifestation of the first symptoms:
- 1 capsule (75 mg) 2 two times daily for 5 days;
- for patients with weakened immunity 1 capsule (75 mg) 2 two times daily for 10 days;
- standard 5-day treatment can be extended in severe or prolonged course of the disease;
- Flucaps therapy is effective at any stage in patients of risk group with severe and complicated influenza;
- no need to increase the dose (capsules 75 mg two times daily) irrespective of the severity of the disease or patient’s weight;
- in pregnancy at any trimester Flucaps is recommended at the very beginning of the disease;
- prophylaxis with Flucaps, 75 mg, 1 time daily for 6 days provides an additional protection to vaccination in elderly patients with high risk and concomitant diseases.
FLUCAPS, capsules 75 mg for post-contact prophylaxis of influenza in adults and children (body weight over 40 kg)
- 1 capsules (75 mg) 1 time daily for 10 days, patients with weakened immunity also.
FLUCAPS, capsules 75 mg, for prophylaxis of influence during epidemic outbreak in the community
- 1 capsule (75 mg) 1 time daily for 6 weeks or 12 weeks in patients weakened immunity.
FLUCAPS, capsules 30 mg and capsules 45 mg, are the first drugs in Belarus for influenza and post-contact prophylaxis in children after 6.
For influenza in children the recommended dose of Flucaps for peroral intake is 2 mg/kg 2 times daily
Body weight Recommended dose of Flucaps for 5 days
10-15 kg 1 capsule (30 mg) 2 times daily
>15-23 kg 1 capsule (45 mg) 2 times daily
>23-40 kg 2 capsule (30 mg) 2 times daily
>40 kg 1 capsule (75 mg) 2 times daily
Flucaps (capsules 40 mg, 45 mg and 75 mg) for 10-day treatment of influenza in children with weakened immunity.
FLUCAPS: for influenza in children
- stops replication of influenza virus and protects the cells from infection spread;
- decreases intoxication manifestation of influenza, duration of symptoms of influenza (fever, high temperature, pain of muscles, joints, and chill) and the incidence of influenza complications; accelerates the recovery of health, decreases an average period of convalescence and the need of concomitant drugs;
- dose of 2 mg/kg 2 times daily in children (capsules 30 mg or 45 mg) decreases an average duration of the disease by 1.5 day and the severity by 29% against Placebo;
- decreases the incidence of secondary complications when antibacterial agents are needed (otitis media, sinusitis, pneumonia or bronchitis).
Post-contact prophylaxis of influenza in adults and children after 6: Flucaps 2 mg/kg (capsules 30 mg, 45 mg and 75 mg) 2 times daily for 10 days, patients with weakened immunity also.
Body weight Recommended dose of Flucaps for 10 days
10-15 kg 30 mg 1 time daily
>15-23 kg 45 mg 1 time daily
>23-40 kg 60 mg 1 time daily
>40 kg 75 mg 1 time daily
Start intake as a preventive measure at least 2 days after contacting the infected person.
Launch of new drugs FLUCAPS, capsules 30 mg, 45 mg and 75 mg, renders possible for doctors and patients due and effective use in epidemic rise of the disease incidence.