The major priority of Minskintercaps direction is to adopt emerging technologies and to ensure the development and manufacture of up-to-date, efficient, quality and safe medicines required by practical health care. The enterprise manufactures over 80 drugs which are used in cardiology, neurology, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynaecology, urology, and gastroenterology. The best known Company brands are AnGriMax, Essencicaps, Antioxicaps, Ursocaps, Magvit, Simet and others.
Minskintercaps is the enterprise in CIS countries that has mastered the production of medicines in vaginal and rectal capsules. This year in the view of new international and national recommendations for treatment and prevention of D hypovitaminosis, a new line of D3-CAPS has been produced with Vitamin D dose IU500, IU2000, IU5000, inclusive of D3-CAPS ultra in an innovation form of chewing capsules.
In December 2019 the enterprise was certified for the compliance with the requirements of EAEU GMP. BADs to the food are manufactured in compliance with the Guideline of European Parliament and EU Council Regulation N.852/2004. The next challenge to the development is to get EU GMP Certificate.
The products under Minskintercaps brand name have a good trust and confidence of consumers not only in our republic but also abroad. Exports are about 50 per cent of the manufactured products: the geographical distribution of supplies is 25 countries in the world and is constantly expanding.