D3-CAPS ULTRA drug is administered for prophylaxis of Vitamin D3 deficiency and for strengthening of immune system in children after 6 and in adults. Vitamin D improves Calcium and Phosphorus metabolism, accelerated Calcium absorption in intestine, enhances Calcium and Phosphorus re-absorption in kidneys, maintains the required blood level of these elements, and facilitates bone skeleton formation and bone structure maintenance.
Advantages of chewing capsules: friendly use for children and patients suffering deglutitive problems; palatable organoleptic properties (taste and odor) that increase significantly patients’ dedication to treatment. These are perfect for active persons of intensive life-style, also athletes. They are sugar free, hence can be administered to patients with diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome as natural flavors are added to the composition. Capsules with orange taste contain natural orange oil.
D3-CAPS ULTRA is on sale starting with November,2019 when inadequate supply of Vitamin D becomes especially burning.