Unpleasant, painful, embarrassing. People suffering from hemorrhoids give such characteristics with the prefix “very” to their feelings. Those who are not acquainted with this problem will be surprised to learn that hemorrhoids is a widely spread disease. 10-15% of adults suffer from it.
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Hemorrhoids are an abnormal increase in veins around rectum up to formation of painful nodes which occurs due to thrombosis and vascular inflammation. The main reasons predisposing to the development of the disease are:
· sedentary lifestyle,
· chronic constipation,
· heavy exercise,
· obesity,
· pregnancy and childbirth.
Every 5th woman at the age under 20 struggles from hemorrhoids during pregnancy, every 2nd- after 30. About 50% do not feel any symptoms of inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins at early pregnancy but after childbirth the symptoms of hemorrhoids are evident. Hemorrhoids manifest discomfort, itching and burning in the perianal region, bleeding as well as pain that worsens when walking, in a sitting position, during bowel movements. It is necessary to respond to these symptoms immediately in order to stop the development of the chronical process.
*Take note that more than 4 000 operations are made every year in Russia in cases of chronical hemorrhoids.
Anesthetizing and healing are main principals in hemorrhoids treatment. How is the result achieved? Local medicines play significant and very often the main role in complex therapy treatment. Their usage helps to reduce unpleasant feelings, discomfort and pain in anus.
Benzocaine is successfully used as local anesthetics in composition of medicine. It quickly reduces painful feelings in skin and mucous membranes of the rectum due to reversible blockade of the emergence and conduct of nerve impulses, well absorbed and low toxic.
To achieve the most delicate treatment benzocaine is combined with natural oils and reparants like shark liver oil.
Local treatment is recommended:
– symptomatic treatment of hemorrhoids;
– treatment of anal fissures;
– pain relief after proctologic surgeries, during the diagnostic manipulations in the rectal area.
Besides traditional suppositories new local medicines in innovational form appeared at the market. The unitary enterprise “Minskintercaps” started production of the new medicine “Relicaps Advance” in the form of rectal capsules for hemorrhoids treatment.
The capsule is opened easily and the content is released after introducing the capsule into rectum. In this case the capsules do not melt in the arms and do not need fridge storage.
Treatment rules
Local medicines for hemorrhoids are introduced after bowel movement and hygiene procedures. The doctor determines the duration of treatment evaluating the course of the disease and achieved results. To make treatment the most effective, it is necessary to combine local medicines with active preventive measures. In particular, it is recommended to eliminate constipations and their reasons.
⇒ It is necessary to tidy up your diet. It is very useful to drink enough liquid and plant fiber, to exclude spicy food and alcohol, to use spices and coffee moderately.
⇒ It is also advisable to regulate physical training, mode of work and rest.
⇒ It is important to observe hygiene properly after every bowel movement and change underwear daily. It is better to prefer cotton underwear to synthetics.
⇒ Observe doctor’s recommendations and the problem of hemorrhoids will become not so hot.
Relicaps Advance is used in complex treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. One rectal capsule Relicaps Advance contains benzocaine - a local anesthetic -206 mg and shark liver oil.
When is Relicaps Advance used?
Relicaps Advance is used in complex treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. The usage of Relicaps Advance excludes unpleasant feelings and discomfort in case of rectal pain, gently helps with the acute problem.
How is Relicaps Advance used?
Relicaps Advance can be used by adults and children after 12. One capsules of Relicaps Advance is introduced into rectum by one capsule 4 times daily (in the morning, before sleep and after every emptying).
There are medical contraindications and side effects. Not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.