The gala event dedicated to the Medical Worker Day was held at the Palace of the Republic.
The Head of the Administration of the President Natalia Kachanova expressed warm congratulations on behalf of the President of the Republic of Belarus to all medics.
The Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus Vladimir Karanik expressed words of gratitude to all people working in medicine area. He emphasized that medicine is a knowledge-based industry in which financial, logistical, personnel, medicinal support of the process is very important. Vladimir Karanik noted that success is possible only in those cases when work goes in a single team since any losses are life and health of the population.
The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus commended the effective leadership of the Head of the Unitary Enterprise “Minskintercaps” Irina Podobed.
On the eve of the gala event the Vice – Premier of our Republic Igor Petrishenko presented Irina Podobed a Certificate of Honor of the Council of Ministers for many years of fruitful work, high professionalism, personal contribution to pharmaceutical industry development.
The staff of Minskintercaps warmly congratulates Irina Podobed and wishes her further success and victories!