Belarusian chamber of commerce and industry hold it together with interested ministries, state committee and Minsk municipal executive committee, business union, Belarusian universal commodity exchange, BELEXIMGARANT insurance company, and Belarus High Technologies Park administration.
Solemn ceremony of reward proceeded in Republic Palace Minsk on May 23. The representatives of Belarus President Administration and of Belarus Cabinet Council, of diplomatic corps, of business community and of Belarusian show stars arrived to greet the winners.
This year MINSKINTERCAPS U.V. is an awarder of contest THE BEST EXPORTER OF 2018 in the nomination Production of commodities designed for cure and follow-up care. Head of marketing and sale department Andrey Nikolaevich Tsybulko entered the stage for merited award. In his speech he thanked Belarusian chamber of commerce and industry for export development and promotion. Andrey Nikolaevich expressed a special word of thanks to the team of MINSKINTERCAPS U.V. for the contribution of attaining such high results. And for last he promised not to stop here.