- Drugs
- Psychoneurology
Drug improving coronary circulation and metabolism.
Composition per capsule
Pyracetam - 400 mg; Cinnarizine - 25 mg. Package 60 capsules.
Pharmacological action
Combined nootropic agent with specified antihypotoxic and vasodilating action, it improves coronal blood circulation and metabolism. It improves the activity of brain, enhances memory consolidation, protective action in various forms of hypoxia, facilitates the process of training.
Indications for usage
psychoorganic syndrome of various etymology (in particular, acute and chronic diseases of cerebral vessels, after cerebral traumas, infection and inflammatory diseases of nervous system);
labyrinthopathy, Ménière’s syndrome;
prevention of kinetosis, prevention and treatment of migraine;
cerebral infarction of subacute grade and in transformation to chronic grade;
chronic hypertension with encephalopathy;
traumatic encephalopathy;
anxiety, emotional discomfort and lability, super irritability, memory and attention disorder;
to improve memory and education of children with retard intellectual development.
Adults 1-2 capsules 3 times a day during 3-4 months subject to severity of the disease. Children from 6 to 12 half adult dose. Children after 12 - 1-2 capsules 1-2 times daily.